The Biological Treatment Centre (CTB) of MUSAMI – Operações Municipais do Ambiente EIM SA, was inaugurated and is already in operation on the island of São Miguel, changing the paradigm of waste management in the Azores.
The new MUSAMI space developed by Efacec, which led the consortium (53%), with the civil construction company Marques S.A., (47%), following the Mechanical Treatment Centre for Solid Urban Waste, presents the conditions to meet the demanding European targets for waste recovery, namely through the treatment of Biodegradable Waste from selective collection, for biogas production through anaerobic digestion and compost production through a composting system.
António Mendes, Efacec’s project manager, stressed that this new facility is designed to process 12,000 tonnes of organic waste from a selective collection (door-to-door collection and from large producers such as restaurants, hotels, and supermarkets, among others) and that it will produce:
- 4,574 tonnes/year of compost to be used as an organic corrective agent
- 960,000Nm3/year of biogas, which will be used for electricity production.
Throughout its activity, Efacec has developed innovative and sustainable solutions, positioning itself as a global trendsetter in the circular economy culture, always approaching waste as a valuable resource. It is an important player in the sector, offering customised turnkey solutions to meet customers’ needs.
Efacec has strong know-how and skills in this area, given that for more than a decade it has been developing reference projects in Portugal and Malta, namely four in Portugal: CTA – Automatic Screening Center – Suldouro, CTM – Reinforcement of Mechanical Treatment Center (CTM) – Valorsul, as well as CTA – Automated Screening Center – and CTM – Mechanical and Biological Treatment Center, both for Resulima and the Mechanical and Biological Treatment Center, in Malta.