With presence in the Energy, Mobility and Environment value chain, Efacec was the company chosen by Smartenergy and Edisun Power for the installation of over 120,000 photovoltaic panels in Mogadouro, constituting Efacec’s largest ever solar PV project in Portugal, and over 43,000 photovoltaic panels will be installed in Mina Tó.

The Photovoltaic Power Plant in Mogadouro, with 49MW, is the largest solar PV plant in the northern region of Portugal and comprises 250 inverters, eight transformer stations and an annual production capacity of 80,000MWh and was installed in an area of 65 hectares, having been connected in record time to the national grid and has the capacity to supply energy to about 20 thousand homes, avoiding the emission of 31 thousand tons of CO2 per year.

After the success of the Mogadouro plant, which was connected to the national grid in record time, Smartenergy and Edisun Power once again chose Efacec for the Mina Tó plant, which is still under construction, is installed in an area of 56 hectares and will be connected to the national grid in the first half of 2022, with the capacity to supply power to nearly 11,000 homes and avoiding the emission of 17,000 tons of CO2 per year. The infrastructure consists of three transformer stations, 93 solar inverters, and more than 43,000 photovoltaic panels, each with a power of 540/545Wp, which if placed vertically and juxtaposed would be equivalent to an 86km extension (the distance between Porto and Mealhada via the A1).

Ângelo Ramalho, CEO and Chairman of Efacec, points out “The Mogadouro Photovoltaic Power Plant is Efacec’s largest project in the Solar Energy area in Portugal, and it is a very relevant project for the North of Portugal, namely due to its proximity to the electric network. Although smaller in size, the Mina Tó Photovoltaic Power Plant will play a complementary role. These are two anchor projects in Trás-os-Montes that are based on the application of innovative solutions, assuming a strong relevance since they enhance the production of renewable and sustainable energy, allowing us to reduce our ecological footprint“.

In both plants, Efacec was responsible for the design, procurement, installation and commissioning of the plants. In Mogadouro, associated with a private 42MVA substation at 30/60kV and a 60kV overhead line, which interconnects with the national grid, with a maximum power of 49MWp, it can inject up to 42MVA into the grid. While at Mina Tó there is a private substation of 18MVA at 30/60kV and a 60kV overhead line, which interconnects with the national grid. The plant, with a maximum power of 23.4MWp, can inject up to 18MVA into the grid.

In both projects, a decentralized solution was implemented, developed in accordance with the new regulations for connecting generators to the European Union networks.

Efacec develops solutions for solar photovoltaic systems, including self-consumption, hybrid systems and large-scale photovoltaic installations on a turnkey basis, positioning itself as a major player in the energy sector, with around 400 MW installed worldwide and around 200 MW in O&M.

It operates as a supplier of solutions and integrated systems, in EPC (Engineering, Procurement and Construction) and O&M (Operations & Maintenance) services partner, and is present in strategic markets such as Europe, the United States, Latin America, Asia, Middle East, Maghreb and Sub-Saharan Africa.

About Efacec

With presence in the Energy, Mobility and Environment value chain, Efacec operates as a supplier of solutions and integrated EPC (Engineering, Procurement and Construction) systems and O&M (Operations & Maintenance) services partner.  Efacec is present in strategic markets such as Europe, the United States, Latin America, Asia, the Middle East, the Maghreb and Sub-Saharan Africa.

Website: https://www.efacec.pt

LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/company/efacec